Friday, June 29, 2012

But, But, But...Teh Facts

Here is a link to the blog I am critiquing 
       I found this blog at The Talking Points Memo blog and initially the title caught my eye. Upon reading the article I became interested in the short sided nature of the blogger in their attempt to appeal to their Democratic audience. He critiques Romney and his actions in regards to the Medicare situation currently facing the US. However, he takes a Democratic one-sided view and turns down Romney's statements. In his analysis, which is quite short, he gives little information on the debate at hand.
       In the TPM editor's blog, the blogger is critiquing the "contradictory actions" of Mitt Romney.  He states that Romney approved a similar bill to Obamacare in his home state, but claims that Obamacare is unconstitutional even though the Supreme Court said otherwise. He quotes Romney as saying that Obamacare was "bad law yesterday and bad law today." He believes that Romney is a hypocrite in the way he deals with medicare.
      The author is correct in stating that the Supreme Court agreed that the Health Care Bill was Constitutional based on the idea that it was a tax and not a violation of the Commerce Clause of the Constitution.  But while the author may think that since the decision by the Supreme Court keeps the Law in effect, it does not necessarily mean that all Americans must accept it.  Romney is of the belief that it is a State issue and not a Federal issue.  Therefore, his criticism of Romney is a bit hasty. He writes that Romney is for Obamacare in his own state and should accept it now that the Supreme Court has made it legal in all states. What this blogger fails to adress is that though Romney is for that policy in his own state he believes healthcare is not a federal decision but one that should be made by the state. By not giving full facts on Romney's point of view the blogger lowers his credibility and makes the reader feel as if what he is saying is just intended to please the Democrats reading his blog.

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